For the most up to date information make sure to check the Lost Moor calendar by clicking here!

MOOTS: Moots are generally business meetings and are held monthly. Check the calendar for more information!

ARTS AND SCIENCES: These events happen monthly and are generally a gathering to work on projects. All are welcome. Reach out to the Arts and Science Minister or check out the calendar for more information.

FIGHTER PRACTICES: Fighter practices are gatherings to work on steel and/or heavy fighting. However it is not limited to this. Tables can be set up for other items such as heraldy, painting, sciences, etc. This may be limited by site location and weather. See the calendar or reach out the Knight Marshal or Steel Marshal for more information.

ARCHERY AND THROWN WEAPONS PRACTICES: Archery and thrown weapons practices are exactly as it sounds. If you can throw it at a target, there is a practice for it! The practice may be limited by weather and location. See the calendar or reach out to the Missle Weapons Marshal for more information.

FINANCIAL COMMITTEE MEETINGS: Financial committee meetings are held quarterly to discuss any major financial concerns and purchases with the Shire. See the calendar or reach out to the Exchequer for more information.